Demystifying the Pelvis:
Evidence-Based Treatment of the Sacroiliac Joint
Featuring Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT
While the pain prediction model has research support, it does not yield a systematic integrative treatment model. This workshop fills that void by appropriately emphasizing a systematic approach to the integration of the hip and pelvis, as together they form the foundation of the lumbar spine. The Hesch Method presents a unique approach to evaluation which differentiates between micro-intrinsic joint dysfunction and macro-extrinsic movement dysfunction. The practitioner can thoroughly assess the lumbopelvic structure in all planes of the body, thus demystifying complex pathomechanics. This approach uses language that is clear and easy to understand.
Simple intervention can be very effective. This course teaches manual therapy skills that are readily accessible and immediately applicable. Clinicians consistently report confidence in the clinical application of this evaluation and treatment paradigm. Treatment using gentle, low-load, long-duration input goes beyond brief elastic deformation into long lasting (plastic) reorganization of dense connective tissue. This facilitates efficient neuromotor reprogramming. Several independent studies and research thesis demonstrated that brief Hesch Method treatment results in significant pain relief and increased SLR. Multiple studies showed poor to fair inter-tester reliability. This approach is very efficient and by the third visit the pattern resolution is stable and is easily maintained such that focus can then be directed on overall rehabilitation with much greater efficiency.
Who should attend? Physical Therapist, Physical Therapists Assistants, Athletic Trainers.
Upon successful completion of this course, the practitioner will learn how to:
• Analyze the significant limitations of the symmetrical/asymmetrical and alignment theory of SIJD
• Discuss studies which undergird this method
• Identify distal compensations within a whole-body perspective
• Describe joint, neuromuscular, posture and movement models
• Proficiently perform palpation and spring testing and treat hypomobility and hypermobility
• Using Clinical Prediction Rules, competently evaluate and treat common patterns of symmetrical and asymmetrical dysfunction and prescribe effective exercise, and self-care
• Competently address pathomechanics of the entire pelvis as separate and distinct from the sacroiliac joint
New York Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants: Professional Seminars is recognized as an approved provider of Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant continuing education by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Physical Therapy. Full attendance at this Seminar qualifies for 18.0 contact hours in NY. 15.0 Contact hours in NJ.
Athletic Trainers: Professional Seminars is recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for the BOC-certified Athletic Trainers. This program has been approved for a maximum of 15.0 units of Category A continuing education.
7:30 am Registration
8:00 am Intro, anatomy, joint mechanics, research, outcome studies, historical perspective
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Pelvic Side Glide and Posterior Glide Fixation Hip
10:45 am Most Common Pattern, Theory
11:30 am Palpation & Spring testing on anatomical models
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Palpation & Spring testing on lab partners*
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Treatment Lab*, Q&A
5:00 pm Adjourn
8:00 am Lab review Most Common Pattern
9:30 am Signs, symptoms, indications & contraindications
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Demystifying Sacral Torsion theory & lab*
11:00 am Upslip, Downslip, Ilium and symphysis pubis, lab*
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Q&A, Lumbosacral mechanics: theory & lab*
2:00 pm Second Most Common Pattern: theory & lab*
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Integrating exercise paradigms, patient self-care and education, proper body mechanics
4:00 pm Detailed review of Most Common Pattern
4:30 pm Efficiently integrating Hesch Method in the clinic
5:00 pm Adjourn
Any opinions, findings, recommendations, or conclusions expressed by the speaker(s) do not necessarily reflect the views of Professional Seminars. Professional Seminars reserves the right to substitute a qualified instructor due to unforeseen circumstances. Registrants will not receive a certificate until payment has been received and the course has been successfully completed. If payment is not received ten (10) days prior to the seminar, the course certificate may not be present at the seminar. If a payment is refunded for insufficient funds, a processing fee wil be charged as allowed by law.
Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT
For over 35 years, Dr. Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT of the Hesch Institute has treated individuals suffering from acute & chronic pain from hypomobility and hypermobility/instability from sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and dysfunction in joints throughout the body. Over the course of his career, Dr. Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT has developed a whole body approach to evaluation and treatment of connective tissues and joint dysfunction known as the Hesch Method.
The goal of the Hesch Method is to provide an alternative to ineffective long-term treatment commonly referred to as the "treatment roller coaster."
Cancellations received at least five (5) business days before the event are refundable, less a $50.00 administrative charge per registrant. There will be no refund for cancellations received later. Please note: If you register and do not attend, you are still responsible for full payment. The expense of continuing education, when taken to maintain and improve professional skills, may be tax deductible. Please contact your accountant for complete details. For courses cancelled by Professional Seminars Ltd. participants have the option to attend a rescheduled date or receive a full refund of the registration cost.
Email: info@professionalseminars.com Phone: (631) 359-2450 Fax: (631) 359-2450
$699 Standard Single Registration
$599 Early Bird Registration
$399 Student Single Registration
$259 Student Early Bird Registration
Registration Includes: Course handouts and Continental Breakfast.