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Professional Seminars Delivers Inaugural Hand Therapy Course to Clinicians in New York City

Professional Seminars, a leading continuing education provider in the field of physical therapy, hand therapy and sports medicine, delivers a successful Introduction to Hand Therapy course at Professional Physical Therapy’s Penn Plaza location on Saturday, September 16, 2017.

Professional Seminars’ team of expert Occupational and Hand Therapists, led by renowned Certified Hand Therapist, Robert Wilutis, collaborated to deliver its very first Introduction to Hand Therapy course to Physical and Occupational Therapists, Physical and Occupational Therapist Assistants, and Athletic Trainers.

This one-day course provided attendees with the basic knowledge and skills they need to perform a complete evaluation of the wrist and hand. Course material included in-depth discussion, analysis, diagnosis, and evidence-based treatment strategies of common hand and wrist conditions and injuries, along with a question and answer session at the end.

Course attendee Jessica Van Epps states, “I learned so much from all the different speakers. All topics discussed were relevant to cases that I see on a daily basis. It was interesting to hear other therapists’ perspectives on techniques for splinting and approaches to treatment for various hand conditions.”

Robert Wilutis, MS, OTR, CHT, Director of Hand and Occupational Therapy at Professional Physical Therapy adds, “Our goal was to empower our attendees with essential knowledge and tools that they can implement with their patients and athletes. Wilutis adds, “As hand and wrist conditions are on the rise, and physicians often recommend specialized Hand Therapy services to their patients, we need to ensure that clinicians are educated and up to date with the latest information, modalities, and therapeutics.”

Professional Seminars is hosting approximately 10 major courses throughout 2017. For information on faculty, upcoming courses, and pricing, visit Professional Seminars is an accredited CEU provider and is recognized by the Board of Certification (BOC), and the NY State Education Department to offer education and NSCA approval for select courses. Professional Seminars is committed to providing quality continuing education programs for all current, as well as future rehabilitation professionals.


Professional Seminars is a division of Professional Physical Therapy’s Clinical Excellence Department. Professional Seminars was established in 2011 as a means to provide access to high quality continuing education for Sports Medicine and other allied health professionals, as well as students in the related field. Professional Seminars’ courses provide access to the latest techniques and trends in the industry, and include faculty renowned throughout the various allied health professions. For information on faculty, upcoming courses, and pricing, visit

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