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Evidence Based Treatment for the Whole Body:
Gentle Effective Manual Therapy

Featuring Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT

Traditionally, joint dysfunction, and dense connective tissue restrictions have been evaluated from the perspective of addressing a patient’s primary complaint, that of a symptom-producing dysfunction. If not symptomatic, major joints are typically not evaluated beyond posture and gross motion. Yet recent works have brought forth the concept of regional-dependence. For example, the role of thoracic mobilization for the treatment of primary neck pain and motion restriction has lent support to that concept. In a much larger context, the entire body is in fact an integrated whole.

This work uses the term interregional interdependence to describe how segments that are very distal from each other can be interlinked. For example, treating the subtalar joint can have reflexogenic effects on the C1 spinal segment, a common site of rotational compensation. In essence, for every rotation (or flexion, extension, side bent segment, AP/PA glide, L/R side-glide) that is maintained, such as occurs with chronic injury, there is a distal counter-movement fixation. At times, the distal segment becomes symptomatic while the proximal remains relatively silent. Treating the distal can frustrate, whereas identifying the proximal foundational dysfunction can be very rewarding.

This approach to evaluation and treatment uses a whole-body perspective, and quickly screens all related articulations in a variety of contexts, including relevant symptomatic and asymptomatic segments, with the end goal being to efficiently “connect the dots”, and provide effective care. Treatment for chronic restrictions utilizes fundamental properties of connective tissue, effectively yielding to small sustained forces, providing long-term benefit and lasting patient-satisfaction.

Who should attend? Physical Therapist, Physical Therapists Assistants, Athletic Trainers.


At the conclusion of the workshop, the participants will have integrated competencies in which they can or will:

  • Become comfortable with performing a hands-on evaluation and treatment of common patterns of movement dysfunction throughout the body.

  • Understand the research, clinical science and outcome studies that undergird evaluation and treatment.

  • Identify distal compensations within a whole-body perspective.

  • Appreciate joint dysfunction from a neuromuscular, arthrokinematic, and reflex-inhibition models.

  • Visualize the 3-D nature of complex joints of the body and proficiently perform palpation and spring testing to identify and treat hypomobility and hypermobility.

  • Competently evaluate and treat common patterns of symmetrical and asymmetrical dysfunction of the body and prescribe effective exercise, and self-care.

  • Recognize that pathomechanics is sometimes an extension of normal mechanics, while other times can be unphysiologic, and therefore requires a novel perspective that recognizes the usual and the unusual.

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New York Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants: Professional Seminars is recognized as an approved provider of Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant continuing education by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Physical Therapy. Full attendance at this Seminar qualifies for 18.0 contact hours in NY. 15.0 Contact hours in NJ.


Athletic Trainers: Professional Seminars is recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for the BOC-certified Athletic Trainers. This program has been approved for a maximum of 15.0 units of Category A continuing education.




8:00-8:30              Introduction - Principles of manual therapy

8:30-8:45              Foot and Ankle Patterns of Mobility Dysfunction (Theory)

8:45-9:15              Foot and Ankle Patterns of Mobility Dysfunction - Evaluation and Treatment Lab Self-treatment and Home exercise program

9:15-9:30              Treating Knee Joint (Theory)​

9:30-9:45              Knee Joint - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

9:45-10:00            Treating Hip Joint Primary Restrictions (Theory)

10:00-10:15         Break

10:15-10:30         Hip Joint Primary Restrictions - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

10:30-10:45         Treating the Pelvis (Theory)​

10:45-11:00         Pelvis - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

11:00-11:15         Treating the Sacroiliac Joint (Theory)​

11:15-11:30         Sacroiliac Joint - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

11:30-11:45         Treating the Lumbosacral junction (Theory)​

11:45-12:00         Lumbosacral Junction - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

12:00-1:00            LUNCH

1:00-1:15              Treating the Rib cage: ribs 2-12 (Theory)​

1:15-1:45              Rib Cage: ribs 2-12 - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

1:45-2:00              Treating the Anterior rib cage  (Theory)​

2:00-2:15              Anterior Rib Cage - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

2:15-2:30              Treating the First rib (Theory)​

2:30-3:00              First Rib - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program (HEP)

3:00-3:15              Break

3:15-3:30              Treating the Thoracic Spine (Theory)​

3:30-4:00              Thoracic Spine - Evaluation and Treatment Lab

4:00-4:15              Thoracic Spine - Self-treatment and Home exercise program

4:15-4:30              Treating the AC Joint (Theory)​

4:30-5:00              AC Joint - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program




8:00-8:15              Treating the Scapula (Theory)​

8:15-9:00              Scapula - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

9:00-9:15              Treating the Forearm (Theory)​

9:15-9:30              Forearm - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

9:30-9:45              Treating Wrist and Hand (Theory)​

9:45-10:00            Wrist and Hand - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

10:00-10:15         Break

10:15-10:30         Treating C7-T1 (Theory)​

10:30-11:00         C7-T1 - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

11:00-11:15         Treating Mid-Cervical (Theory)​

11:15-11:45         Mid-Cervical - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

11:45-12:00         Treating Occipito-atlantal joint (Theory)

12:00-1:00            LUNCH

1:00-1:15              Treating Occipito-atlantal joint (Theory) continued​

1:15-2:00              Treating Occipito-atlantal joint - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program

2:00-2:15              Treating Atlanto-Axial Joint (Theory)​

2:15-3:00              Atlanto-Axial Joint - Evaluation and Treatment Lab

3:00-3:15              Break

3:15-3:30              Atlanto-Axial Joint - Evaluation and Treatment Lab (continued)

3:30-3:45              Atlanto-Axial Joint - Self-treatment and Home exercise program

3:45-4:00              Treating the TMJ (Theory)​

4:00-4:30              TMJ - Evaluation and Treatment Lab/Self-treatment and Home exercise program (HEP)

4:30-5:00              Q&A - Putting it all together; the whole-body integrated paradigm, prevention





Any opinions, findings, recommendations, or conclusions expressed by the speaker(s) do not necessarily reflect the views of Professional Seminars. Professional Seminars reserves the right to substitute a qualified instructor due to unforeseen circumstances. Registrants will not receive a certificate until payment has been received and the course has been successfully completed. If payment is not received ten (10) days prior to the seminar, the course certificate may not be present at the seminar. If a payment is refunded for insufficient funds, a processing fee wil be charged as allowed by law.


Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT

Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT

For over 35 years, Dr. Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT of the Hesch Institute has treated individuals suffering from acute & chronic pain from hypomobility and hypermobility/instability from sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and dysfunction in joints throughout the body. Over the course of his career, Dr. Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT has developed a whole body approach to evaluation and treatment of connective tissues and joint dysfunction known as the Hesch Method. 
The goal of the Hesch Method is to provide an alternative to ineffective long-term treatment commonly referred to as the "treatment roller coaster."


Cancellations received at least five (5) business days before the event are refundable, less a $50.00 administrative charge per registrant. There will be no refund for cancellations received later. Please note: If you register and do not attend, you are still responsible for full payment. The expense of continuing education, when taken to maintain and improve professional skills, may be tax deductible. Please contact your accountant for complete details. For courses cancelled by Professional Seminars Ltd. participants have the option to attend a rescheduled date or receive a full refund of the registration cost. 


Email: Phone: (631) 359-2450  Fax: (631) 359-2450


Professional Physical Therapy - Penn Plaza

127 West 30th Street (Inside Blink Fitness)

New York, NY 10001


Map and Directions


Marriott Courtyard - Mahattan/Chelsea

Address135 W 30th St, New York, NY 10001

Phone(212) 967-6000


$599 Standard Single Registration 

$549 Early Bird Registration 

$249 Student Single Registration

$189   Student Early Bird Registration

Registration Includes: Course handouts and Continental Breakfast.


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Professional Seminars Ltd.  ●  576 Broadhollow Rd  ●   Melville, New York 11747  ●  Phone: (631) 359-2450  Fax: (631) 359-2450

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